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发布时间:2025-03-18      来源:       点击:


席龙,博士,讲师,主要从事新型药物递送系统以及新药的研究与开发。在Journal of Controlled Release、Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B、ACS Nano、small以及International Journal of Nanomedicine等期刊上累计发表SCI论文10余篇。担任Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences青年编委。主持广州市珠江科技新星项目1项、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项以及中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项。

邮箱: xilong@gzucm.edu.cn



2012.09-2015.07 沈阳药科大学,药学,硕士

2015.07-2018.07 广州白云山医药集团股份有限公司白云山制药总厂 项目负责人

2018.08-2022.08 澳门大学,生物医药,博士






1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,82304391,基于靶向激活Treg细胞的高表达mTNF-α的超声响应纳米液滴用于银屑病治疗的研究,2024/1-2026/12,30万元,在研,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金第73批面上资助,2023M730806,8万元,结题,主持

3. 广州市珠江科技新星,201806010098,45万,结题,主持


1. 新型经皮给药递送系统的研究;

2. 靶向药物递送系统的研究


[1] L. Xi, Z. Lin, F. Qiu, S. Chen, P. Li, X. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. Zheng, Enhanced uptake and anti-maturation effect of celastrol-loaded mannosylated liposomes on dendritic cells for psoriasis treatment, Acta Pharm. Sin. B 12(1) (2022) 339-352.(中科院1区,IF:14.9)

[2] L. Xi, Y. Han, C. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, R. Wang, Y. Zheng, Sonodynamic therapy by phase-transition nanodroplets for reducing epidermal hyperplasia in psoriasis, J Control Release 350 (2022) 435-447.(中科院1区,IF:10.5)

[3] F. Qiu, L. Xi, S. Chen, Y. Zhao, Z. Wang, Y. Zheng, Celastrol niosome hydrogel has anti-inflammatory effect on skin keratinocytes and circulation without systemic drug exposure in psoriasis mice, Int. J. Nanomed.  (2021) 6171-6182.

[4] L. Xi, H. Song, Y. Wang, H. Gao, Q. Fu, Lacidipine amorphous solid dispersion based on hot melt extrusion: good miscibility, enhanced dissolution, and favorable stability, AAPS PharmSciTech 19 (2018) 3076-3084.

[5] Y. Han, L. Xi, F. Leng, C. Xu, Y. Zheng, Topical Delivery of microRNA-125b by Framework Nucleic Acids for Psoriasis Treatment, Int. J. Nanomed.  (2024) 2625-2638.

[6] C. Liu, L. Xi, Y. Liu, J.C.W. Mak, S. Mao, Z. Wang, Y. Zheng, An inhalable hybrid biomimetic nanoplatform for sequential drug release and remodeling lung immune homeostasis in acute lung injury treatment, ACS nano 17(12) (2023) 11626-11644.

[7] Y. Cheng, J. Tao, Y. Zhang, L. Xi, R. Han, M. Xu, S.M.-Y. Lee, W. Ge, Y. Gan, Y. Zheng, Shape and shear stress impact on the toxicity of mesoporous silica nanoparticles: in vitro and in vivo evidence, Mol Pharmaceutics 20(6) (2023) 3187-3201.

[8] C. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Xi, Y. He, Y. Liang, J.C.W. Mak, S. Mao, Z. Wang, Y. Zheng, Interactions of inhaled liposome with macrophages and neutrophils determine particle biofate and anti-inflammatory effect in acute lung inflammation, ACS applied materials & interfaces 15(1) (2022) 479-493.

[9] Y.-F. Ding, J. Wei, X. Quan, W. Gu, L. Xi, Y. Zheng, Y. Zhao, J. Luo, S. Li, G.S. Mok, Hyaluronic acid-based supramolecular medicine with polyamines sequestration capability for cooperative anti-psoriasis, Carbohydrate Polymers 296 (2022) 119968.

[10] S. Chen, Z. Lin, T. He, M.S. Islam, L. Xi, P. Liao, Y. Yang, Y. Zheng, X. Chen, Topical application of tetrandrine nanoemulsion promotes the expansion of CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and alleviates imiquimod-induced psoriasis in mice, Frontiers in Immunology 13 (2022) 800283.

[11] J. Tao, Z. Wei, M. Xu, L. Xi, Y. Cheng, S.M.Y. Lee, W. Ge, Y. Zheng, Particle Integrity and Size Effect on the Journey of Polymeric Nanocarriers in Zebrafish Model and the Correlation with Mice, Small 17(43) (2021) 2103584.

[12] Z. Lin, L. Xi, S. Chen, J. Tao, Y. Wang, X. Chen, P. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Zheng, Uptake and trafficking of different sized PLGA nanoparticles by dendritic cells in imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like mice model, Acta Pharm. Sin. B 11(4) (2021) 1047-1055.

[13] S. Chen, Z. Lin, L. Xi, Y. Zheng, Q. Zhou, X. Chen, Differential role of TNFR1 and TNFR2 in the development of imiquimod-induced mouse psoriasis, Journal of leukocyte biology 110(6) (2021) 1047-1055.

[14] S. Meng, L. Sun, L. Wang, Z. Lin, Z. Liu, L. Xi, Z. Wang, Y. Zheng, Loading of water-insoluble celastrol into niosome hydrogels for improved topical permeation and anti-psoriasis activity, Colloids Surf B 182 (2019) 110352.

[15] H. Gao, Y. Wei, L. Xi, Y. Sun, T. Zhang, Evaluation of intestinal absorption and bioavailability of a bergenin–phospholipid complex solid dispersion in rats, AAPS PharmSciTech 19 (2018) 1720-1729.

[16] X. Wan, H. Wang, P. Ma, L. Xi, J. Sun, Z. He, X. Zhang, X. Liu, Simultaneous determination of oxiracetam and its degraded substance in rat plasma by HPLC-MS/MS and its application to pharmacokinetic study after a single high-dose intravenous administration, Journal of Chromatography B 969 (2014) 95-100.

