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发布时间:2025-03-18      来源:       点击:



王魁1986生,江西九江人,首批广东省高层次引才计划——“珠江人才计划”项目青年拔尖人才,广东省研究生德育工作先进个人,广州中医药大学研究员、杏林青年学者、博士生导师,广州中医药大学“合成生物学”二级学科青年学科带头人,发酵类中药和菌类中药研究团队负责人,广州中医药大学中药资源科学与工程研究中心党支部书记,岭南中药资源教育部重点实验室学术骨干主持和主要参与国家自然科学基金、广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设项目、广东省南药种业创新园等各级项目16第一作者/通讯作者在包括Bioresource TechnolInt J Biol MacromolJ Agr Food Chem专业权威期刊发表论文20,以第一发明人获得授权专利1项。受邀担任Process Biochemistry编委Bioresource TechnolACS Sustainable Chemistry & EngineeringAppl Environ Microb J Agr Food Chem等期刊的审稿人。


E-mail: kuiwang@gzucm.edu.cn









(1) 僵蚕、六神曲、广陈皮、茯苓等发酵类中药和菌类中药的高品质形成机制、优良菌种选育及产业化应用关键技术

(2) 广地龙发酵饲料的菌剂和饲料资源开发

(3) 工业酶的发掘与改良

(4) 中药活性成分的微生物合成。

(5) 中药废弃物和农林废弃物的资源化利用


(1) 广东省“珠江人才计划—青年拔尖人才”项目 (2017GC010372)2018.012022.12

(2) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (31802099)2019.012021.12

(3) 广东省自然科学基金 (2018A030310497)2018.052021.04

(4) 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金青年基金项目 (2019A1515110914)2020.012022.12

(5) 广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目 (2017KQNCX037)2018.012019.12

(6) 广州中医药大学高水平大学建设项目 (广中医研 [2017]10 )2017.032018.09

(7) 广州中医药大学“杏林青年学者”启动经费,2017.012021.12

(8) 植物细胞壁多糖的高效生物降解及应用,2024年广州中医药大学青年拔尖人才(团队)培育“揭榜挂帅”项目(个人项目B岗),2024/06−2027/06

(9) 以农产品为单元的广东省现代农业产业技术体系创新团队建设项目(南药(广陈皮、化橘红等)产业技术体系),2025/01−2027/12

(10) 大宗南药僵蚕规范化养殖中试2025/03−2027/12

5年的代表性研究论文 (#, 共同第一作者;*,通讯作者)

1. Shuangcheng Liang#, Xiaoqin Lin#, Lixin He#, Yizhou Liu, Wenke Xiong, Minghua Lin, Ying Zhang, Ruoting Zhan*, Sidi Wang*, Kui Wang* (通讯作者). Development of an efficient chimeric trifunctional xylanase/glucanase/feruloyl esterase and its application in the bioconversion of corn stover into fermentable sugars. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2025 (Accepted) (中科院一区 Top 期刊, IF: 8.5)

2. Ying Liu# , Ying Zhang#, Minghuan Wang, Lisheng Wang, Wanting Zheng, Qiannuo Zeng, Kui Wang* (通讯作者). Comparison of the basic processes of aerobic, anaerobic and aerobic-anaerobic coupling composting of Chinese medicinal herbal residues.  Bioresource Technology, 2023, 379: 128996. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128996. (中科院一区 Top 期刊, IF: 11.4)

3. Yurou Zhang#, Yun Liu#, Chunxiu Zeng, Yinyu Shu, Xiaoru Wang, Shuangcheng Liang, Sidi Wang*, Ruoting Zhan*, Kui Wang* (通讯作者). Characterization of two novel highly active glycoside hydrolase family 53 endo-1,4-β-galactanases and their synergism with other carbohydrases in plant polysaccharide decomposition. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 224 (2023): 653–666. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.10.154. (中科院一区 Top 期刊, IF: 8.2)

4. Ruiqin Zhang, Dongxia Lin, Liang Zhang, Ruoting Zhan, Sidi Wang*, Kui Wang* (通讯作者). Molecular and biochemical  analyses of a novel trifunctional endoxylanase/endoglucanase/feruloyl esterase from the human colonic bacterium Bacteroides intestinalis DSM 17393. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70: 4044−4056. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c01019. (中科院一区 Top 期刊, Supplemetary Cover Article期刊封面论文, IF: 6.1)

5. Wei Xie, Qi Yu, Ruiqing Zhang, Yun Liu, Ruoting Cao, Sidi Wang, Ruoting Zhan, Zhongqiu Liu, Kui Wang* (通讯作者), Caiyan Wang*. Insights into the catalytic mechanism of a novel XynA and structure-based engineering for improving bifunctional activities. Biochemistry, 2021, 60(26):2071−2083. DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.1c00134. (中科院三区, IF: 3.321)

6. Xi Chen#, Xinhai Wang#, Yun Liu, Ruoting Cao, Sidi Wang, Ruoting Zhan, Kui Wang* (通讯作者). Biochemical analyses of a novel thermostable GH5 endo beta-1,4-mannanase with minor beta-1,4-glucosidic cleavage activity from Bacillus sp. KW1 and its synergism with a commercial alpha-galactosidase on galactomannan hydrolysis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 166: 778−788. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.10.235. (中科院一区 Top 期刊, IF: 8.025)

7. Qibin Lin#, Sidi Wang#, Meiling Wang, Ruoting Cao, Ruiqing Zhang, Ruoting Zhan, Kui Wang*(通讯作者). A novel glycoside hydrolase family 42 enzyme with bifunctional beta-galactosidase and alpha-L-arabinopyranosidase activities and its synergistic effects with cognate glycoside hydrolases in plant polysaccharides degradation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 140: 129−139. (中科院一区 Top 期刊, IF: 5.162)

8. Kui Wang#,* (通讯作者), Ruoting Cao#, Meiling Wang, Qibin Lin, Ruoting Zhan, Hui Xu, Sidi Wang*. A novel thermostable GH10 xylanase with activities on a wide variety of cellulosic substrates from a xylanolytic Bacillus strain exhibiting significant synergy with commercial Celluclast 1.5 L in pretreated corn stover hydrolysis. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2019, 12: 48. (中科院一区 Top 期刊, IF: 4.815)

9. Zhixue Wu#, Hui Xu#, Meiling Wang, Ruoting Zhan, Weiwen Chen, Kui Wang* (通讯作者), Jiangyong Gu*. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies on selective synthesis of alpha-amyrin and beta-amyrin by oxidosqualene cyclases from Ilex asprella. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20: 3469. (中科院, IF: 4.556)

10. Qibin Lin#, Xiaoru Wang#, Liang Zhang#, Yingyu Shu, Yurou Zhang, Ruoting Zhan*, Kui Wang* (通讯作者). Investigations in mutation breeding and culturing media by Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.bcab.2023.103008. (IF: 3.4)

