学位: 博士
职称: 副教授
2024-至今 广州中医药大学 中药学院 副教授
2020/07-2023 广州中医药大学 中药学院 讲师
2015/09-2020/06 南方医科大学 病理学与病理生理学 博士
2009/09-2014/06 华中科技大学 中西医临床医学 学士
1、国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 82104623, 基于VTA-NAc多巴胺通路介导的伏隔核突触 重塑探究生命早期应激诱发青春期抑郁损伤的机制及四逆散干预作用, 2022-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 30万元, 结题, 主持
2、广东省自然科学基金-面上项目:四逆散调控DRN-NAc五羟色胺环路介导NAc突触重塑改善青春期抑郁症的机制研究,2024.1.1-2026.12.31,在研, 主持
4、广州中医药大学,省中医药局-面上项目,20241079,2024.1.1-2025.12.31,在研, 主持
5、国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 82274443, 基于中缝背核-伏隔核5-HT神经环路调控机制探讨调 肝治法干预青少期应激抑郁作用, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 52万元, 在研, 参与
6、国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 82174032, 基于NR6A1-PPARα信号探讨白花蛇舌草抗代谢相关 脂肪性肝病机制的研究, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 55万元, 在研, 参与
7、国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,81971297,聚焦伏隔核中型多棘神经元亚群,探讨可卡因奖赏 记忆突触可塑性变化及信号机制,2020-01至2023-12,55万元,参与
1) Zhao, Jinlan#; Ying, Li#; Liu, Yutong; Liu, N.; Tu, Genghong; Zhu, Mengjuan; Wu, Yue; Xiao,Bin; Ye, Liuzhen; Li, Juan; Guo, Fukun; Zhang, Lin; Wang, Huijun; Zhang, Lu ; Different roles of Rac1 in the acquisition and extinction of methamphetamine-associated contextual memory in the nucleus accumbens, Theranostics, 2019, 9(23): 7051-7071
2) Jinlan Zhao#; Lihong Ye#; Zuyi Liu; Yongfei Cui; Di Deng; Shasha Bai; Lei Yang; Yafei Shi;Zhongqiu Liu; Rong Zhang ; Protective Effects of Resveratrol on Adolescent Social IsolationInduced Anxiety-Like Behaviors via Modulating Nucleus Accumbens Spine Plasticity and Mitochondrial Function in Female Rats, Nutrients, 2022, 14(21): 4542
3) Jinlan Zhao#, Lihong Ye#, Zuyi Liu , Jiayi Wu, Di Deng , Lin An, Shasha Bai , Lei Yang , Binjie Liu , Yafei Shi , Zhongqiu Liu, Rong Zhang The Effects of Early-Life Stress on Liver Transcriptomics and the Protective Role of EPA in a Mouse Model of Early-Life-Stress-Induced Adolescent Depression. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023 Aug 23;24(17):13131
4) Di Deng; Yongfei Cui; Shu Gan; Zedan Xie; Sainan Cui; Kerun Cao; Shanshan Wang; GuoqiShi; Lei Yang; Shasha Bai; Yafei Shi; Zhongqiu Liu; Jinlan Zhao*; Rong Zhang* ; Sinisan alleviates depression-like behaviors by regulating mitochondrial function and synaptic plasticity in maternal separation rats, Phytomedicine, 2022, 106: 154395-154395
5) Li Ying#; Jinlan Zhao#; Yingshan Ye; Yutong Liu; Bin Xiao; Tao Xue; Hangfei Zhu; Yue Wu;
Jing He; Sifei Qin; Yong Jiang; Fukun Guo; Lin Zhang; Nuyun Liu; Lu Zhang ; Regulation of Cdc42 signaling by the dopamine D2 receptor in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease, Aging Cell, 2022,21(5)
6)Lihong Ye, Jiayi Wu, Zuyi Liu, Di Deng, Shasha Bai , Lei Yang,Yao Xuan, Zehao Liu, Yafei Shi , Zhongqiu Liu, Rong Zhang* and Jinlan Zhao* Si-Ni-San alleviates early life stress-induced depression-like behaviors in adolescence via modulating Rac1 activity and associated spine plasticity in the nucleus accumbens. Front Pharmacol, 2023. 14: p. 1274121.
7)Mei Liu # , Jinlan Zhao # , Chengcheng Xue , Jun Yang 1, Li Ying Uncovering the ferroptosis related mechanism of laduviglusib in the cell-type-specific targets of the striatum in Huntington's disease BMC Genomics 2024 Jun 25;25(1):633. doi: 10.1186/s12864-024-10534-5.